Sustainable agricolture

CAA Centro Agricoltura Ambiente > Sustainable agricolture
Main activities
  • Study of innovative techniques in the field of agroecology and for the development of the Regional Integrated Production Project on insecticide resistance, effectiveness of sexual pheromone traps and population dynamics of phytophages and predators on some important crops.
  • Studies on the benefits provided to the agriculture from the presence of hedges, marches and other areas of refuge for flora and wild fauna.
  • Studies on the possibility of using organisms useful for the biological control of phytophages of particular agricultural interest.
  • Impact reduction of agricultural systems and development of compatible crops in farms in parks and protected areas.
  • Territorial demonstration projects that have the aim of promoting, in farms, the results resulting from the experiments.
  • Technical assistance to agricultural companies for biological and integrated control. Demonstration projects for dissemination of organic farming in the Bologna plain.
  • Technical assistance ad Public bodies in the management of ornamental green areas. Preparation and updating of the Municipal Green Regulations.
  • Preparation of computerized green censuses through the use of GIS systems.
  • Design of thematic green spaces within school areas or public gardens.
  • newly introduced species studies.

The sector mainly carries out research and experimentation activities in order to develop and disseminate innovative defense techniques with low environmental impact against diseases and insects harmful to agricultural crops, providing technical assistance for the application of biological control and integrated on farms. It also provides various public bodies with the necessary technical support for activities related to the management of public and private ornamental greenery.